About "Island Land", which develops and sells food waste dryers.

Company Name Island land Co. Ltd.
Main Office 1 Nakadai Town, Kanonji City, Kagawa Prefecture 7680024
Founded November 10, 1952
Established March 10, 1963
Capital ¥48,460,000
Representative Representative Director Naomasa Shima
Website https://www.shimacorp.com
Email info@parisparis.jp
Please submit inquiries to the below email address, including your name, company name, telephone number, and local address.
The appropriate individual will contact you shortly.
Business Details waste-treatment facilities (recycling facilities, oversized refuse processing facilities, refuse-derived fuel facilities (RDF/RPF))
machinery (conveyor belts), crushers, compressors, compactors, sorters, dust collectors, deodorizers, household trash
research and development of machinery for processing public garbage